Endodontic Treatment

RCT, Root Canal Therapy,is a well known treatment for disinfection and shaping of narrow spaces inside the roots of tooth ,followed by its filling with an inert substance.

RCT, Root Canal Therapy,is a well known treatment for disinfection and shaping of narrow spaces inside the roots of tooth ,followed by its filling with an inert substance.

Now is the era of microscopic rct done by using DENTAL SURGICAL MICROSCOPES. This highly advanced equipment permits to visualize even the tiniest of canals by its incredible magnification power providing magnificant results.

Here, at Modi's '32 Facts' dental clinic, we have -------------- that aids in focussing upon the most minute areas inside the tooth, making the treatment mosre successful and error free.

RCT is the commonest therapeutic procedure, being successfully followed world wide for relieving the tooth ache in various conditions and this microscoping advancement has further multiplied the success rates!

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